Monday, April 21, 2008

Changes in the Cubics base CPM?

Over the weekend a few users pointed out a change in their base CPM.

Please know that payouts have not changed. Cubics has not reduced the amount of money that you make.

This change has affected a small number of Publishers who are running Skyscrapers (120x600) & Rectangles (300x250). The system is over-reporting views which caused a dip in Base CPM which was then canceled out by a rise in QR. Another way to look at it: the process for calculating your revenue is quite complex. We're showing numbers at the wrong part of the process, but we're showing the correct final value (i.e.: the money you earned).

We're aware of the issue and we are investigating the details. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.

EDIT (2008-04-21): The issue has been resolved. Publishers affected by this issue should see their base CPM return to normal levels starting tomorrow.